Friday, September 18, 2009


The Lord seems to speak to me the loudest through repetition! It thrills me that God leads us so lovingly exactly where we need to go! It happens in such a beautiful way that if we are not paying attention we can miss it and write it off as coincidence! Example; you are reading your Bible and your eyes land on a certain Scripture. Then later that day you are driving somewhere and you hear the same Scripture on the Christian radio station. The following day, the pastor mentions it in his sermon. You get the idea. Sometimes, the Spirit speaks to us through music, or nature, or a loved one. The bottom line is, He is there and He cares so much about us, if we will tune in to Him and learn to listen, He is speaking to us, Words of life. The most recent theme that God has been leading me to is JOY!

Having grown up in the church, I heard often that joy and happiness are two very different things. Circumstances can greatly affect our happiness, but true joy is not based on what is or is not happening in our lives. So, what is the secret to having joy? I know what I think it is, but how about you? What do you think is the secret to joy?

Watch the video, visit Brian Bates' website and read his story about the song. I'd love to hear what you think about joy! I pray that your joy will be full and that regardless of your circumstances, you will dance!

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