Friday, December 14, 2012

"Consider my sighing."

Recently, I have received news of heartache and struggle in the lives of so many.  I was in my kitchen, when I realized that for some time I had been sighing...deeply...over and over.  It seemed to be all I could muster in my sadness.  Then I remembered something I had read recently concerning that very thing.  I want to share that with you.

The author, Mark Batterson, wrote in his book, "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day",
"During the funeral, I realized that I couldn't stop sighing.  I later read that sighing is one way we process grief.  It is a physiological response to distress.  I didn't know how to vent or verbalize what I was feeling, so I sighed. 
It was during that time that I discovered what is now one of my favorite Psalms:  'Give ear to my word, O Lord, consider my sighing.' (Psalm 5:1) 
That little phrase - 'consider my sighing' - became a source of strength for me.  I didn't know how to pray or what to say, but I knew God was considering my sighing.  Even when we can't put our frustration or anger or doubt or discouragement or grief into words, God hears and translates those low-frequency distress signals we call sighs. 
Maybe prayer is much more than a combination of the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet into words?  I love Ted Loder's perspective in Guerillas of Grace: 
'How shall I pray?
Are tears prayers, Lord?
or groans
or sighs
or curses?
Can trembling hands be lifted to you,
or clenched fists
or the cold sweat that trickles down my back
or the cramps that knot my stomach?
Will you accept my prayers, Lord,
my real prayers,
rooted in the muck and mud and rock of my life,
and not just the pretty, cut-flower,
gracefully arranged
bouquet of words?
Will you accept me, Lord,
as I really am,
messed up mixture of glory and grime?' 
Sometimes it feels like God isn't listening, but He considers every sigh.  Not only that, He is interceding for us day and night.  Scripture says that God makes prayers out of our wordless sighs and aching groans. 
The Holy Spirit helps us in our distress.  For we don't even know what we should pray for, nor how we should pray.  But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. (Romans 8:26) 
Here is an incredible thought:  Long before you woke up this morning the Holy Spirit was interceding for you.  And long after you go to bed tonight, the Holy Spirit will still be interceding for you.  That ought to change the way we wake up and fall asleep..."

So, in light of all that is going on in the world, and in our individual lives, I just wanted to share the hope that I found in this.  From now on, when my heart grows so heavy that all I can do is sigh; I will remember that there is One who considers my sighing, and does what I cannot.  I am so grateful.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Turning Sixteen

It seems just yesterday that he was walking around in toddler-sized sleepers, playing with toy cars, motorcycles, and Little People.  How can sixteen years have gone by so quickly?  Now he's looking forward to driving a car, and I can't seem to grasp the fact that he's really old enough to do so!

In honor of his birthday, here's a clip from Christmas when he was 2!  We love you, Josiah!  Have a fantastic day, and I'm sure you'll do well on that test...

(The boy who has always loved things with wheels)!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Our "Princess" Celebrates Her 12th Birthday!

Our middle girl turns twelve today!  Sarah is our animal-loving, ukulele playing, songwriting, art-loving, sweetheart of a girl.  We are crazy about her, and so thankful she's ours!

When Sarah arrived, she was our "biggest" baby at weigh in, and sported the most hair, as well as the darkest!  She was also our first climbing, escape artist!  She didn't really want to sit in a high chair or stroller, she wanted to stand or climb out!  However, she was also the quiet one, who was rarely seen without her "ga ga" (pacifier)!

Here's a video from around the time she was about three years old.  The stars of the video are Sarah and her big sis, Meredith.  I love the little outfit Sarah is wearing, and her sweet little voice..."All wight...  All wight"!
(Ignore the goofy camera lady who screams at the beginning of the video to answer a question in the distance)!

 Sarah, Happy Birthday, beautiful daughter!  We love you very much!  We hope you enjoy your day!  You certainly make our days richer and brighter!

Thank you, God, for the blessing of four fantastic gifts you've given us!  Today, we especially celebrate, Sarah Lynelle Ferenczy!  Our lovely "princess".

Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Baby's Turning 9!


Today we are celebrating Emma's ninth birthday!  Time flies when you're having fun!  Since the day she arrived, she has been our delight.  In honor of her day, I decided I would post a favorite video.  The video begins with the girls outside.  She's the one sporting the large hat.   Then join us at the dining room table where Emma decides that keeping us all laughing is quite fun!  We love you, Emma Beth, and hope you are having a fabulously fun day!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Reflection

Jean Lynelle Rodgers Craig

This is a picture of my mother many years before she became one.  I'm not exactly sure how old she was here, but isn't she lovely?  I look at her face, and in it is reflected my own, as well as my girls.  Emotions run deep here.  So much so, that it is difficult for me to put words to the page to adequately express my heart.  With that said, I just want to wish all you beautiful women out there a Happy Mother's Day.  

A passage of Scripture came to mind as I was thinking about being a mother and the depth of what motherhood brings into our lives.  Rather than try to explain it, I will just type it here, and let the words fall fresh on our hearts.  See if much of it doesn't ring true in some form or another regarding our job of mothering.  God bless you all, and may your day be filled with cherished memories from yesterday, joy-filled moments today, and dreams for tomorrow that keep you growing.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-11 

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

What does the worker gain from his toil?  I have seen the burden God has laid on men.  He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 1995

Seventeen years and counting...

On a lovely, sort of rainy/snowy day in Colorado Springs, Bill and I embarked on our marital pilgrimage!  With the worst cold I'd had in my then 30 years of living, I was barely able to speak those two important little words, "I do".  While Bill, started his journey as a husband, having to deal with the whole "in sickness and in health" business right from the start!

Mr. and Mrs. William Ferenczy

Since that day we have been through seventeen full and busy years of life together.  We have experienced great joy with the birth of all four of our children, and we have walked through the valley of the shadow of death when we experienced the miscarriage of one child, and the passing of his father and mine.

"Pop"    and    "Daddy"

We have enjoyed the blessing of fellowship with our extended families, and we have plumbed the depths of despair while being caregivers to my parents who both suffered with dementia/Alzheimer's.

Life's difficulties have been more bearable, and its joys richer as I have been blessed these years to journey with Bill.  I am so thankful.

"Mom"   and    "Mom"  : )

Now as we journey onward, we continue with God as our Constant Guide, and Faithful Sustainer.  Thank you to all of our friends and family who have been and will continue to be such a vital part of our lives.  We are richer because of you!  Here's to another seventeen and counting.....

Having our cake, and eating it too!

Note:  These snapshots are just some I grabbed from a photo album close at hand.  One of these days I'll break out the professional pics to post.  Until then....

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This is one of my favorite pictures of my dad in his younger years.  I think it is because of his curls, that bit of mischief behind his eyes, and of course that perfectly charming smile!  Or, maybe it is just because it is a picture of my dad.

I miss his smile, and his corny jokes.  I miss hearing his voice, especially when he would sing one of his favorite hymns, "Because He Lives".   And oddly enough, I miss the sight of the cowboy boots that he was seldom without.  He never did look quite right in a pair of sneakers!

Two years ago today, I was sitting by his bed at the nursing home trying to be a voice of comfort and support as he ended his journey on this side of eternity.  It was a most difficult day for this daughter.  Many guilt feelings plagued my heart and mind that day as I sat vigil there.  In the midst of the quiet and sadness, God brought me comfort through nurses and hospice volunteers that day.

My heart was lifted as one nurse after another came in to check on him.  Each one mentioned something specific about him that they had discovered in his 72 days in their care.  One of the nurses had discovered his enjoyment of country music, and had watched videos with him on occasion.  She had tuned the TV in his room to CMT that morning.  Another peaked in to say how much she enjoyed his feisty attitude with her.  They would air box one another in a playful manner; she said she would miss that.  Still another nurse came in to check on him before heading up to the third floor to start her shift.  She had come to work there about the same time Dad had moved in.  She had ordered him a book about Oklahoma through their library system - a very thoughtful gesture indeed.  She teared up as she leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, and said something to him about dancing.  I will be forever grateful for their gracious and compassionate care for him during his last days.  I couldn't be there, I am so thankful that they were.

So, today as I remember my dad, it is with mixed emotions of sadness and joy.  Though there are certainly things that I miss, and even that I regret, I live with the hope that I will see him again. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17). When that day comes and we are united with our Savior and Lord, death behind us completely, I will hear him tell corny jokes, see him smile, hear him sing, and maybe even dance in his cowboy boots!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy Birthday, Meredith!

Thirteen years ago today, March 16th, 1999, we were blessed with our first daughter, Meredith!  She is a beautiful young lady with a heart for her Lord.  There seems to be no end to her creative ability, and she loves to minister to others.  (I will be sharing more about that in the near future).

  In honor of Meredith's birthday I decided to post a favorite video clip from her toddler years.  Whenever I was videotaping she always "wanted to see".  In this particular clip she is very vocal about it, and I couldn't help but get tickled at her.  I also love how she responds when I tell her to say hello to the camera.  It sounds like she says, "Heyyo, Hannah".

Meredith, we love you.    What a gift you are to us!  God bless you on your day!